Ganz has announced a whole lot of Webkinz for webkinz world!! 😀 First is the clover puppy, which you can see above. Isn’t that just the cutest thing? It reminds me of the love puppy, which I like. I hope I can find one when it comes out. Next, get ready to get your little sibling a new gift for the holidays, Ganz has new Jr pets!! They are a Giraffe, Frog, Light Brown Bear, Pink Bunny, Blue Bunny, and an elephant. And January’s caring valley Webkinz is the HUSKY!
By the way, if you haven’t joined our Rainy Day Window drawing, then check the post below this. We would LOVE to have you join!!
The Workout Room. This room was inspired by the Workout Room at the Clubhouse. The treadmills are different PSI (Pink Pony, Horse, Dog) and the bath is an exclusive item. The green trampoline is the Tree Frog PSI and the yellow trampoline is a prize for completing level 10 in agility class at the Kinzville Academy. Munch100’s Webkinz blog just another WEBKINZ blog! Feeds: Posts Comments. March 30, 2008 by munch100.
Thanks to you guys, i now have 1,000 hits!!! So i will have a minor comment contest!! But if you want more and more contests, you must make sure to advertise this blog. I will not send 1 person all the prizes. I will only continue contests if i see more people coming to this blog. Here are the prizes:
Comment #1: Queen Marie’s Periwig & Chef’s Hat
Iuveeduckee SENT!
Comment #57: 4 Unsolved recipe’s
Powerpuff1100 SENT!
Comment #172: 2 Gift Box Shoes
Frekie02 SENT!
Comment #207: Pug, Googles, Reindeer, Love Frog, Black Lab, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel & Leopard PSF’S
Frekie02. Not finished sending
Comment #323: Scientific Trophy Pedestal
Powerpuff. SENT!
Webkinz Bloomin Theme
Comment #489: Experiment Station 1
Powerpuff. SENT!
Comment #593: Medieval Monarch Sofa
Webkinz Blog Gymbo
SarahEOlson. SENT!
Add me, mydogoreorokz. When you comment, leave me your username. Good luck!
Webkinz Bloomin
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