Transfer Imovie Library To New

Before saving your iMovie project, please make sure that your external hard drive is compatible.Your external hard drive must be formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). iMovie doesn’t support network-attached storage (mapped network drive or Google Drive) or external flash memory drives.
  1. Transfer Imovie Library To Newborn
  2. Transfer Imovie Library To New Computer
  3. Move Imovie Project To New Library

First you need to import your video files into iMovie either directly from your camera or from your computer (iMovie File Import Movies). They obviously must be in a file compatible format. You will end up with your video files in iMovie’s Event library. Next create a project (File New Project). Fix 4: Move the iMovie Library Content to Another Location. By default, all the iMovie library data is stored at /Movies iMovie Library folder on Mac. Although it is tough to change the iMovie destination by default, you can move the library data to another location. For instance, you can just connect your external hard drive to your Mac.

Saving a project to a hard disk:

How to add music to iMovie on a Mac. Open your iMovie project and click the “Audio” tab in the top left. (Make sure “iTunes” is selected in the left panel.) You should then see your entire iTunes library. Search for the song you’d like to use — the one you just added to iTunes in the previous step. Pro tip: On a Mac, you can also. Did you know that you can migrate all of your old photos to new Macs. It is not that hard and you can do it too! All you need is an external hard drive that is bigger than your iPhoto library file size. We will show you how to backup and transfer all of your pictures on your Mac, and how to import your old iPhoto library to the new Photos app. Select the iMovie Theater icon to export your iMovie to your Camera Roll. Check to make sure your iMovie appears in the Video folder of your Camera Roll. Step 2: Transfer your iMovie to your Windows computer. Option #1 - Wireless Download the Photo Transfer App to your iPad ($2.99).

1. First connect the external hard disk to your computer.

2. Create a new library in your external hard drive. Go to File => Open Library => New.

Then, saving the imovie library in your external hard drive.

3. Select your event and go to File => Copy Event to Library => yourlibraryname.imovielibrary

Then, the event will show up in the library you just created. You can delete the default empty event by right click the event and choose “Delete Event”.

4. Go to Project Library

5. Click on the next the project you have created. Choose Copy to Library => yourLibraryName

Now, the project and events are all saved into your external hard drive!

If you want to open your hard, you can simply click on the imovie library in your external hard drive.

Move imovie project to new library



1. Open iMovie

2. Go to File => Open Library => Other…

3. Choose “Locate”

4. Choose the imovie library in your external hard drive

5. Choose the project want to open

And the project and events are here!


Copy Project/ or Move project” means that project in its new location rather than physically copying project’s video and other media (such as photos) onto the other disk. This will NOT allow you to work on your project from another Mac. It creates only a copy of the project file, no clips, images, etc. that are part of your project. This is not usually useful for protecting/backing up your work.

Transfer Imovie Library To Newborn

“Copy Projects and Events/ or Move Projects and Events” means that the source video and other media you added to the project are copied to the new location/ hard drive. If you select Move, instead of Copy, these files will be deleted from their original location. Moving or Copying Project and Events will allow you to work on your project from another Mac.
Transfer Imovie Library To New
Note: Move vs. Copy?
Copying the file will not delete your projects from original location while moving will delete your projects from original location.

Transfer Imovie Library To New Computer

Make sure you select Move Projects and Events!

Please remember that computers at MEWS are frozen, which means that they automatically delete any saved files on the computer!

Move Imovie Project To New Library

Click here for more in depth explanation 🙂

Most of the time, you have only one library in iMovie. But, iMovie allows you to create an additional library files in different locations on your internal hard disk. It also allows you to access and work on any library at a time. You can easily copy or move video clips between libraries or hard disks in Movie. If you want to copy or move video clips to hard disks, then connect a hard disk to your mac which contains the target library. The steps below will guide you through process of coping or moving the video clips between libraries in iMovie.
Following are the steps to Copy or Move Video Clips Between Libraries or Hard Disks in iMovie:

  1. Connect a hard disk to your Mac which contains the target library.
  2. Open 'iMovie' on your Mac.
  3. Choose 'File' tab.
  4. Select 'Open Library' option.
  5. Choose an option from the sub menu. You can choose from recently opened libraries located at the top of the submenu.
  6. Locate an existing library on your Mac computer.
  7. The selected library is opened in the 'Library List'.
  8. You will see the first event is selected and its contents in the browser.
  9. Select the event from Library List which contains the video clips.
  10. Select the video clips which you want to copy or move.
  11. If you want to copy video clips between libraries, then drag the video clip to another library.
  12. If you want to move video clips between libraries, then Option-drag the video clip to another library by first stating to drag and then holding down the Option key as you drag.
  13. This is how you can copy or move video clips between libraries or hard disks in iMovie.