Fortify Plugin For Visual Studio

APJ FTSCA250-200 Fortify SCA (Static Code Analyzer) and SSC (Software Security Center) - Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Course Agenda:

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 To Friday, February 5, 2021

(UTC+08:00) Singapore

Course Descriptions:

This course provides participants with demonstrations and hands-on activities using a practical, Fortify solutions-based approach to identify and mitigate today’s most common business security risks to applications. As a students, you will learn to scan, assess and secure applications using the Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) and Software Security Center (SSC). This course includes hands-on activities to:

The Greenlight Visual Studio extension adds Veracode's security static analysis rules into the IDE, using a local ruleset to scan Java, JavaScript, C#, or Visual Basic code for security flaws. Plug-ins are also available for Eclipse and IntelliJ. The SAST extension takes advantage of Veracode's cloud-based rule engines to give you faster. Support Visual Studio 2017 15.6 and later. Note from PM (1/9/2020): This is the latest version of Security Assistant with a new release to add support VS 2019 to follow in the coming weeks. It will be linked from here to the Microsoft Visual Studio marketplace.

  • Setup applications in Fortify Software Security Center (SSC)
  • Successfully run static code application scans and analyze the scan results through multiple platforms including: Audit Workbench, Command Line, and Scan Wizard
  • Identify security vulnerabilities from Fortify scan results and Smart View option
  • Find, filter, categorize, group, and audit security vulnerabilities found in your code
  • Utilize the Fortify IDE Plugins including Visual Studio and Eclipse with Security Assistant
  • Manage applications in SSC, utilizing Audit Assistant and bug tracking

Course Targeted Audience:

This course is intended for application developers or security auditors who are new to or have been using the Fortify SCA and SSC to develop secure applications. It is also useful for development managers and application security champions.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Scan applications thoroughly and correctly using Fortify
  • Audit Fortify scan results to create a prioritized list of high-impact security findings
  • Correctly and efficiently validate security findings
  • Build a custom Data Flow Cleanse rule
  • Integrate and manage projects through the SSC to ensure good processes

Course Pre-Requisites / Recommended Skills:

Fortify Plugin For Visual Studio

Students are encouraged to complete all Technical Presales Level 300 Courses and Knowledge Checks available in Micro Focus Partner Portal

  • Fortify - Application Security Terminology Technical Overview, Level 300
  • Fortify SCA Technical Presentation Training, Level 320
  • Fortify SCA Knowledge Check, Level 320
  • Fortify SCA Demo Training, Level 340
  • Fortify SCA Knowledge Check, Level 340

To be successful in this course, you should have the following knowledge:

  • Basic programming skills (able to read Java, C/C++, or .NET)
  • Basic understanding of web technologies: HTTP Requests and Responses, HTML tags, JavaScript, and server-side dynamic content (JSP, ASP or similar)
  • Knowledge of Web and Application development practices
  • Experience developing and/or managing software development for security
  • Have an understanding of your organization’s compliance requirements

Important Notes:

  1. Micro Focus Partner Portal Person Legal ID / SABA Learner ID is a mandate field required during registration.
  2. Student who completes full training session will receive training credit.
  3. At the end of the training there is an online Proctored exam by the Trainer.
  4. Close registration date is 22 January 2021, 6pm SG time.

Fortify Plugin For Visual Studio 2019

For more information, you many contact

Hello Folks, today we will explore regarding Top 5 Static code Analysis Tools for Visual Studio, which also includes other 3 Static code Analysis Tools for Visual Studio also as a bonus.

Below are Top 5 Static code Analysis Tools for Visual Studio:

  1. PVS-Studio
  2. Kiuwan
  3. Veracode
  4. Fortify’s Security Assistant
  5. Coverity Scan

1. PVS-Studio

PVS-Studio is a tool for detecting bugs and security weaknesses in the source code of programs, written in C, C++, C# and Java. It works under 64-bit systems in Windows, Linux and mac OS environments, and can analyze source code intended for 32-bit, 64-bit and embedded ARM platforms.

It is possible to integrate it into Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, and other widespread IDE. The results of the analysis can be imported into SonarQube.

Fortify Plugin For Visual Studio Code

* Supported languages and compilers

  • Windows. Visual Studio 2010-2019 C, C++, C++/CLI, C++/CX (WinRT), C#
  • Windows. IAR Embedded Workbench, C/C++ Compiler for ARM C, C++
  • Windows. QNX Momentics, QCC C, C++
  • Windows/Linux. Keil µVision, DS-MDK, ARM Compiler 5/6 C, C++
  • Windows/Linux. Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, ARM Code Generation Tools C, C++
  • Windows/Linux/macOS. GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, Arm Embedded GCC compiler, C, C++
  • Windows/Linux/macOS. Clang C, C++
  • Linux/macOS. GCC C, C++
  • Windows. MinGW C, C++
  • Windows/Linux/macOS. Java

Website Link:PVS-Studio (You can get 30 days trial instead of 7 days trial by using #TechnoThirsty. Send #TechnoThirsty in message box, so you will get 30 days trial.)

2. Kiuwan

Kiuwan is a SAST and SCA platform with the largest technology coverage and integrations in the market.

With a DevSecOps approach, Kiuwan achieves outstanding benchmark scores (Owasp, NIST, CWE, etc) and offers a wealth of features that go beyond static analysis, catering to every stakeholder in the SDLC.

Kiuwan is supporting 30+ programming language and Integrated with different IDEs, Build systems, Bug Trackers and Repositories as shown below:

Website Link = Kiuwan.

3. Veracode

Veracode Static Analysis supports all widely-used languages for desktop, web and mobile applications including:

  • Java (Java SE, Java EE, JSP)
  • .NET (C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET)
  • Web Platforms: JavaScript (including AngularJS, Node.js, and jQuery), Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, ColdFusion, and Classic ASP
  • Mobile Platforms: iOS (Objective-C and Swift), Android (Java), PhoneGap, Cordova, Titanium, Xamarin
  • C/C++ (Windows, RedHat Linux, OpenSUSE, Solaris)
  • Legacy Business Applications (COBOL, Visual Basic 6, RPG)

Website Link = Veracode

4. Fortify Static Code Analyzer

Fortify’s Security Assistant for Visual Studio 2017 provides real time, as you type code, security analysis and results. It provides structural and configuration analyzers which are purpose built for speed and efficiency to power our most instantaneous security feedback tool. Find vulnerabilities just by writing code and we will help you prevent costly security mistakes. Leveraging the Visual Studio native interface, Security Assistant displays security errors alongside Visual Studio errors and provides Details, Recommendations, from our rich Fortify rule set shared also by Fortify SCA.

VISIT Microsoft’s Visual Studio marketplace to find the Fortify Security Assistant extension and install it into Visual Studio: Fortify Security Assistant for Visual Studio

Website Link = Micro Focus Fortify Static Code Analyzer

5. Coverity

Coverity Scan is an open-source cloud-based tool. It works for projects written using C, C++, Java C# or JavaScript. This tool provides a very detailed and clear description of the issues which helps in faster resolution. A good choice if you are looking for an open-source tool.

Website Link = Coverity By a Synopsys Company

I want you guys to look into below tools as well as a bonus tools.

1. Visual Studio 2019 Code analysis

2. FxCop analyzers in Visual Studio

Installation guide for FxCop analyzer in Visual Studio

3. SonarLint

Website Link=SonarLint

Fortify Plugin For Visual Studio 2019

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