This is my own script, it help lighting with vray ies more easy and faster. Key features: - Quick assigned 30 nice IES to vray light. IES folder browser and quickly assign to vray light. Change VrayIES and Vraylight settings as a group or individually. Fast create VrayIES light use geometry shape. Create VrayPhysical Camera from.
Jun 16, 2020 I'm trying to set up default render settings for v-ray for new maya files. Currently here are the problems i'm running into and hope to get some help: 1) I'm saving my preferred settings as a.json file and picking it under render settings>presets>set preffered render settings>user>mysettings. V-Ray Final Setting Part 2 / Read the first part: V-Ray Interior tutorial It’s time to render. Until this step images usually comes with noise and splotches. It’s due to a test settings: these produce not perfect outcomes but really fast to render. V-Ray Interior Tutorial. This tutorial has a littel story behind. At the beginning of this project I started a challenge with myself: creating an amazing scene using V-Ray in the simplest way possible. No complicated settings, just basic materials, VRayLights, Sun, Sky ecc. With default settings. I only used a linear and simple photographic.
Exterior Render Settings V-Ray and SketchUp
In order to fully understand the possible render output in V-Ray using various environment settings such as V-Ray Sun and Sky, Domelight+ HDRI and V-Ray Environment + HDRI, I made a simple rendering experimentation that highlights different parameters or settings which generally affect the tonality and atmosphere of the rendered image output.
During the test render experimentation, I enabled the material override and set the water pool to “Can be Overridden” . I also added a Sphere model inside the scene with silver polished material in order to see the reflection of the sky.
For V-Ray Sun and Sky System, I set up a basic scene in default setting and lit it a couple of different ways, (enabling and disabling) V-Ray sun, background, and GI (Skylight). For V-Ray dome light with HDRI texture, a comparison test render was made using default setting and optimized setting. For V-Ray Environment with HDRI texture, the test render will highlight the possible output when render in optimized setting using HDRI as the light source and V-Ray sun as an additional light source.
1. V-Ray Sun and Sky System
In V-Ray default setting, V-Ray Sun and V-Ray Sky are special features which are provided by the V-Ray Renderer. When set in default setting, notice the sunlight is enabled. If you go to V-Ray Asset Editor> Settings> Environment> Background, you can see that the default background is set to V-Ray Sky or technically the V-Ray Sun (V-Ray sunlight). Under Environment Overrides, the GI Skylight is technically turned off in default settings. However, when you turn on the GI Skylight option and choose the V-Ray sky as the light source, the render result will be similar to V-Ray default settings. In comparison to Dome light and V-Ray Environment settings, the shadow appeared to be sharper when rendered using V-Ray Sun and sky system.
Vray Presets For 3ds Max
1.0 V-Ray Sun
2.1 Dome light settings
3.1 V-Ray Environment Settings
4. V-Ray Sun Sky Model
Hosek et al. – The V-Ray Sky procedural texture will be generated based on the Hosek et al. method.
Preetham et al. – The V-Ray Sky procedural texture will be generated based on the Preetham et al. method.
CIE Clear – The V-Ray Sky procedural texture will be generated based on the CIE method for clear sky.
CIE Overcast – The V-Ray Sky procedural texture will be generated based on the CIE method for cloudy sky.
4.1 Sun Sky Model Options
SOURCE: Click Here
1. V-Ray Sun (Default setting)
V-Ray Sun and Sky system, ensure a faster render than Dome light and V-Ray Environment. This render setting is the very basic of V-Ray Sun Environment.
5.1.1 V-Ray Sun (settings)
2. Dome light+ HDRI
The V-Ray Dome light is a really quick way to get clean results if you can’t use irradiance maps which is typical in V-Ray Environment setting. The V-Ray dome light does the importance sampling which gives you a better shadows, quicker and cleaner render than V-Ray Environment.
Vray Render Presets
5.2.1 Dome Light HDRI (settings)
3. V-Ray Environment + HDRI
On the other hand, V-Ray Environment set-up offers a more flexible option as compare to Dome light setting. Here you can adjust the intensity of the light source and the visibility of the background (both in HDRI map) separately using multiplier. Although, this is a more tedious work as compare to Dome light set-up from which the intensity of the light source and background can be adjusted all at once, I prefer this set-up because you have the liberty to adjust the background and the light source separately, based on your preferred settings.
5.3.0 V-Ray Environment HDRI
5.3.2 V-Ray Environment (settings)
Thanks for reading!
Benedict Caliwara
To see more of Benedict’s work visit his website here.
Notes on Global DMC
Vray Preset Settings
Adaptive amount: 0.85 –
Lower values will increase the quality by not allowing Vray to lower the subdivisions for materials and lights deemed low importance, (distant lights and objects, darker objects)
Noise Threshold: .005 to .002
This is the maximum allowed difference in pixel value on a floating point scale.
See it as a 1/1000 contrast ratio.
Inputting .002 is telling Vray to keep shooting more samples and sub divide pixels until adjacent pixels are within this range.
This is why Vray has a tough time with very high changes in brightness because it will never achieve this tolerance.
That is where the maximum image sample limit kicks in and stops it from endlessly sampling.
Min subdivs: 16
A quick way to raise the lowest quality areas.
Vray Presets Rhino
Global subdiv multiplier: 1.5 – 2.0
An easy way to increase the quality of lights and glossy reflections in your scene.
In simple scenes you can really ramp this number up, assuming your materials and lights have a low subdivision figure (8-16 or so).
Just remember that the Irradiance map subdivisions will also multiply.